Garden Log Garden Log from southern Herkimer county, April 10, 2008

If you don't do what you expected, things happen anyway.

Started out hauling branches off my yard, but too big to go in my truck without
more processing by chainsaw.
Later I needed my saw for something else, went in garage to fetch.

Mail had come.

My peach tree was delivered! With six boysenberries to plant too.

Set them all to root soak while I had lunch,
then mixed my soil ammendment of half rotted cow manure, half peat moss.
I already had a nice hole in my greenhouse for the peachtree, where I had taken
out the old peachtree. It was overgrown for the space and becoming less productive every year.

Here is Jane picking her breakfast peach from the old tree a few years ago:

This new one is a dwarf Elberta peachtree.

Planted in that big hole it looks so little, and pathetic.
Then I started to dig six holes to plant the six boysenberries.
On north side of garage, between garage and cistern soil is full of rocks.
But I got them dug, mixed more of the same ammendment,
brought up full watering cans. Planted the six a shovel's length apart,
closer than the recommmendation.

Running low on steam now, I still felt I should carry water out to where I want peas to grow.
I did that but, I don't care for carrying big buckets of water.
Rain is forecast for this weekend, I pray it is so.
Never got to the tilling where I want to plant new asparagus.