Garden Log 3/28 Garden Log from southern Herkimer county, April 2, 2008

More like an early spring day, temperature never got above freezing.
Didn't spend a lot of time out, mostly looking.

Looked at my apple tree, thought it could use a pruning, did so.
Rassled with more fallen branches, will need to get out chainsaw.
Didn't choose to get into the mud over by my flat rock pile, pulled up a few rocks anyway.
Another spindly lettuce plant lifted it's head, on the windowsill now, new lettuce slipped in.

My shady nook has less snow and ice now. Can see what's there.
Christmas ferns looking happy, the two hart's tongue ferns are lying on the ground,
ready to rise and conquer. Two patches of ostrich ferns not much in evidence, past the
brown frond left from last year. But down in the ground green knuckles

are looking like incipient fiddleheads getting ready to unroll.
What will the morrow bring me.