Garden Log 3/27
Garden Log from southern Herkimer county, March 27, 2008

Hello, Maybe a different format would be more welcoming.
Do let me know.

I have had some germination. The peat pot with Batavian lettuce seed has a spindly little
one, with a weak sister next to him. Another pot has two sturdy cheddarflower.
I'm wetting up two more peat pots to caddy seeds into germination chamber.

More hard labour this day. Continuing around the old asparagus.
Good progress with what I learned yesterday, until I came to northwest corner,
still under snow with rocks frozen in the ground. Probably a few more frozen in I'll find later.

Still not a lot coming up.I gave a little trim to my topiary terrier.
Didn't know I had a topiary terrier? Well:

I call him Toto's Ghost. The next challange is getting branches to bend forward forming a snout.
and trimming so he looks good from all drirctions.
