FAITH - OK, I'll write down what I believe. I am here, I am superior to no one. I am rational, that means I can learn by reason and experimenting. Thus truth can be revealed. I believe in cause and effect, chance and probability. That the scientific method is a valid way to get information about the relation of these. The old knowledge should be respected, and yet tested and added to. Moral code - 10 Commandments is pretty good, see below: and Hippocrates - First, do no harm. Decalouge: 1 One God 2 Worship no else 3 Don't swear 4 Keep Sabbath 5 Honor Ma and Pa 6 Don't kill 7 Don't cheat 8 Don't steal 9 Don't lie 10 Don't covet I believe in God, our great, over-reaching spirit, but He never told ME His name. I believe no mere mortal man can KNOW that name. So MUCH discord has arisen over His name, that we should not give Him a name Any religion is free, and open to all. So any name anyone puts to this divinity is fine. Consider this improbability. At the time of the Big Bang,the physical constants of the forming universe were such that gravity and electromagnetism coud be. Now multiply that by the improbability that of the matter in this universe, a clump could get together with the right mix and the right amount of water the right distance from the right kind of star. Again, multiply that improbability by the improbability that the atoms could form themselves into carbohydrate, peptides and nucleotides such that self-replicating bactria couild arise. Since then is only slightly less improbable that an intelligent primate mammal could evolve. You, and me. These improbabilities multiplied together are so staggering that I can only surmise a divine cause. Where do we come from, where do we go? Unknowable. Little reliable source, skyrockets or the wheel btw, must weigh in on this one, I believe the mechanics of evolution, the tinkerings of a blind watchmaker, are responsible for our current condition A little supposing - Afterlife Suppose - we remanin as a spirit as long as someone remembers us. Hermit, who dies alone, has little afterlife. Family man remains as spirit as long as children and grandchildren remember, and live. Famous man may be robust spirit as long as history remembers. Stone marker only temporary. And the artist, as long as his works can bring pleasure. The inventor? Who invented the wheel? Ponderables - Is planet earth unique in the universe, is mankind alone? Given that a man sees the sun rise tomorrow, Will any man see the sun rise a million times from now ( ~ 3K years ), How many million?